1. I started taking dance classes when I was 4: tap, ballet, acrobatics, jazz, modern and some others.
2. I learned how to crochet in the 4th grade and recently started again with a vengeance. Anybody want a scarf for their birthday?
3. I learned how to knit 4 years ago and promptly forgot.
4. I have owned only 2 cars: a 1978 Chevy Caprice Classic in border patrol green and my love, my 1997 Saturn SL2 in white.
5. My dessert of choice is NY cheesecake. Sans fruit.
6. I’ve seen Cher in concert at least 9 times, the Farewell tour something like 5 times. I just couldn’t say, “Goodbye”.
7. I love vampire movies. No matter how cheesy. I saw Blood Rayne (mostly because of Billy Zane), it sucked. But, I refuse to have anything to do with Twilight, it makes me ill.
8. I do not care one iota for or about Harry Potter. I’ve seen all the movies and cannot tell them apart.
9. I will always believe the original Star Wars trilogy is the best!
10. I think pasta can cure anything.
11. I was the second person from my high school to graduate with an award for taking Phys Ed all 4 years. I danced partly to avoid those horrible physical fitness tests! I still can’t do a pull-up to save my life.
12. The first Sidney Sheldon novel I read was “If Tomorrow Comes” over 6th grade spring break.
13. The first Nancy Drew book: “The Haunted Bridge”. I was unimpressed with Miss Drew and promptly quit; much my mother's dismay. She loved Nancy Drew books, so should her daughter. Boring.
14. I read over and over again “If I Should Die Before I Wake” by Lurlene Mc Daniel. It was about the short relationship between a cancer patient and a volunteer. I cried every time.
15. I LOVE roller coasters, Cedar Point rocks!
16. I love and collect sassy sticky notes and socks.
17. I will NOT buy or use any body or home products tested on animals or harmful to the environment.
18. I think the best thing to happen in fashion was the incorporation of spandex and denim.
19. I think all women’s underwear should be matching-matching aka the balcony needs to match the orchestra.
20. I regularly put myself between wildlife and uncertain peril. I have stopped traffic for Gila monsters, a dazed squirrel (that let me pick it up and carry it to safety in the desert!), ducks on Baseline (mama and her 6 little quackers crossing 7 lanes. Rescuing animals is in my blood, thank you Daddy!
21. I have 2 HUGE pet peeves (the kinds that make my eyeballs wobble): the use of the nonexistent word “irregardless” and the misquotation of “…the love of money is the root of all evil…” as “money is the root of all evil”. Makes me batty! That is the only quote I know from the Bible and I’ll keep it that way, thanks. Yeah, even Pink Floyd irritates me with that one.
22. I love music. I have more in my head than should be permitted, much of it crap, too. Ex: I still know the lyrics to Young MC’s “Bust a Move”. Embarrassing, I know. Last year, I was in a Blockbuster with Paul when it came on the PA and I started rappin’ it; I thought he was going to die from shock.
“New movie's showin’... so you're goin’
Could care less about the five
you're blowin’
Theatre gets dark just to start the show
When you spot a
fine woman sittin’ in the front row
She's dressed in yellow, she says
Come sit next to me you fine fellow"
You run over there without
a second to loose
And what comes next, hey bust a move”
23. I think two of the best songs ever written were Don McLean’s “The Day the Music Died” and The Eagles' "Hotel California".
24. I love Dr. Pepper. Cold, warm, fizzy, flat; it does not matter. Just keep it neat, aka hold the ice.
25. My best friend from grade school and Jr. High and I made the most hilarious and embarrassing video in high school of us dancing and lip syncing to much of the Saturday Night Fever and Grease 2 soundtracks. Sadly, the tape was lost years ago, but we are still friends!
26. I still love to play dress-up. Wigs and all! I don’t wait for Halloween.
27. I fell off my treadmill twice. I loved that machine, too.
28. When training to run the Nike Women’s Marathon and fundraising for LLS, I thought it would great motivation and what ever to run to Pink Floyd’s “Money”. Yeah, NEVER do that on a treadmill. You’ll kill yourself. It must be the love of money misquote not the 7/4 tempo.
29. I still don’t understand what “New Moon on Monday” by Duran Duran is about. “Shake up the picture the lizard mixture”? What the crap does that mean! Ouch. My brain hurts.
30. My favorite fairy tale as a kid was “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Anderson. You know the one where the Little Mermaid takes her own life, instead that of her prince, in order to return to the sea? Not that Disney debauchery with the yodeling sea-roach. I also had a love for Edgar Allan Poe and the Brothers Grimm. I never wanted anything to do with the always happy-ending tales. Life isn’t always that way.
31. I stopped listening to the radio and all the crap it spews in 1997. I started listening to NPR a few years ago and haven’t turned it off, yet.
32. I believe in Karma. She, like gravity, can be a harsh mistress.
33. I have been haunted by a ghost. She tucked me into my bed at night.
34. I had 2 dreams as a kid: to be a can-can girl and to be in a dance company. I was 17 when I made first and 28 when I made the second come true.
35. I knew the entire soundtracks to Hair and Fiddler on the Roof when I was 4 years old
36. I have walked through the lava tubes of a live volcano in HA.
37. I abhor Wal-Mart. This world would be a better place, if it never happened.
38. I can’t sleep while wearing socks, no matter how cold.
39. I had the chicken pox when I was 12. It was right after my first Billy Idol concert, 8th grade graduation and summer was off to a bumpy start.
40. If I have loved you once, I will for the rest of my life, whether you are currently in my life or not. (My ex-husband is the only one excluded from this and we all know why.) If we were friends once for five minutes or 30+ years, today or 30+ years ago; I will always remember you, fondly and you have a special place in my heart.