Two weeks ago, I was on my training route with my faithful dogger, Bridgette. We hadn’t even made it to the end of the block, when we heard snuffling in the bushes. Of course I had to investigate. (My Mom’s hood is up against the beautiful Catalina Mountains on the north side of Tucson. We can have all kinds of wildlife roaming the streets: deer, bobcats, javalinas, bunnies, Gila monsters, quail, etc.) This day it was a beagle! Not usually indigenous to the area, but quite adaptable to the climate. Bridgette bee-lined it to her. I promise I am not making this up, I watched Bridge show her the way back to the house and told her we had food and water. Because that’s what she did. She went straight into the garage. She went straight for the water and Bridge’s kibble. She wore a Humane Society tag, so I was able to locate her family promptly and return her to her home.

I rescued Honey, the beagle.
Then, yesterday, I was in Mom's bathroom, feeling ill, when I heard scratching from the ceiling, bathroom vent. My quest to save animals kicked in and left my bellyache and fear of heights in the dust. I donned my sneakers, grabbed the ladder, trucked the ladder to the side of the house, and climbed said ladder to the roof to find I would not be able complete my rescue mission from the above. I descended, returned the ladder, grabbed a Phillip's head screwdriver and ascended to the top of the toity. I unscrewed the cover and fan to find a perfectly preserved lizard. Impressed with my discovery and depressed that I could not reach the critter inside, because of a metal case, I shared the lizard mummy with Mom. That lizard will be on display in her classroom next year. A little while later, Mom and I were at the back of the house and I was walking out of her bedroom, when I spied a fully operational and alive lizard hanging out in the carpet at the foot of her bed! It was a team effort to catch him/her. Mom and I caught him, shared him with Dad and his home health care aide...

...and I set the lizard free.
It was very exciting. Who knows what creature I will save next time! Octopus? Moose? Penguin? There's just no telling. Clearly, I have a calling to save animals.
s the mummified lizard the same as the 'operational' one? The brand, I mean? =)
And I would have loved seeing a photo of him/her, as well as a photo of your Lassie dog, Bridgette.
How are you feelin', anyway? Let me hear from you soon? I'm off the next 2 days and would thoroughly enjoy your company and a 32 oz.
Get well, okay? =)
Love ya,
Posted by Fabled Disgrace on Jun 25, 2008 6:41 AM
yay, e!!! I haven't rescued anything recently, but the long list includes a herd? of baby ducks, trapped on the off ramp from the highway - guaranteed road dust, but we saved'em. And of course, George, the dog.
Posted by film chick on Jun 25, 2008 6:42 AM
I guess you got your rescuing habit from me. Remember the sparrows I raised in the kitchen, the little Harris Antelope Ground Squirrel that I had the pleasure of hosting for a few days until I found his family and returned him. Or maybe Tara (our dobie) influenced you when she rescued the dove with the broken wing.
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