You did it under terrible circumstances…. But the point is… you did it and didn’t give up. That’s what beating these diseases is all about huh?!
Great job!
Alice and the boys
Alice~ You said it. That is what this is all about. Yes, I felt like crap and it took me longer than I had hoped, but I could not have made it through and finished without the love and support of my family and friends. No, they were not there. I had to make the journey on my own. Just like the journeys the patients make. Ultimately, the patient must find the will, strength and survivor instinct from within. My little, urpy walk through San Francisco on a chilly day canNOT hold a candle to the journey the patients make. It does make me appreciate my "good" health more.
Monday! Monday! Monday!
All through Sunday night I would suddenly jerk awake after the sensation of falling. My legs were having a good laugh. Very funny. Ha ha.
I rolled out of bed at the crack of 11am. I could not help but glare out the hotel window at the clear blue skies smiling down on us. I guess we could do nothing but, get out there and under the the blue. (Wasn't it grey just yesterday?) We had just enough time to clean up, pack and check out. OMG, I felt like I had been hit by a garbage truck. It took a full hour to choke down some oatmeal. And then it just sat in my throat. Sat there, mocking me. Luz and I decided to take a little walk downtown. What the crap was I thinking?

We stopped at Boudin Bakery for a loaf of sourdough to take home to Mom. Some how we ended back at Union Square and meandering through the biggest Macy's for Women I had ever seen. I got to the second floor and crashed onto a couch weaker than ever. I could not move another step. But, I did have a couple of hours to get myself back that 1 mile to the hotel.
By the time we got back to the hotel I was tossing my guts, again. I had nothing left, only bile. That's fun. I had no choice but to take out the big guns: my Crohn's meds. Anti-spasmatics and anti-emetics. This double dose makes me stooopid and sleepy. I was pouring sweat and getting dumber by the minute. I cannot believe I claimed my bags, got to the bus, fell asleep on the bus, check in at the airport, made it through security, found the gate and fell asleep in the waiting area. And might I say the waiting area was so cold you could hang a side of a cow in it? Sweet cracker sandwich, it was cold. Luz loaned me a sweatshirt and a coat to keep warm. We got to the airport 2 hours prior to our flight and then news came: Flight delayed. Bugger. Good thing I had enough drugs in me to tranq an elephant.
We finally boarded the plane and we were on our way home. I slept through the 2 hour flight. When we landed in Phoenix I was coherent enough to call Paul to tell him where we were. When I saw him at baggage claim, I was so relieved. I was home.
I crashed. I could not get out of bed for anything. Paul brought me Gatorade and Matzo ball soup. Here it is 4 days after the Nike Women's Death March and I am starting to feel sub-human again. I happy to be surrounded by my Paul, kitties and puppy.
Would I do it again? Yes. For two reasons: #1 For Alice and Daddy and the fight we must continue to fight. Fight until I attend the Last Pre-Race Pasta Dinner, because the cure is here. And #2 To whip this race! I set out to run in the Nike Women's Marathon and by gum, I will. It has not beaten me. I will see it, match it and beat it. I probably will not win it, but that isn't even in the top50 reasons to do it for me. (I have seen the numbers of the winners. I could not beat them in a car.)
So, yeah... I have a score to settle in my future. I think I will get a few other half marathons under my belt before I go slapping NWM with the white gloves. Who knows, it could be in 2009?
Hey Peanut,
Yes, it's me - the Mommy. When I read your blog entry of "the day", I cried because I was so damn proud of you and wish I could have been there to hold you at the end of your 13.1 brazillion miles. How many times have I held your head up out of the toidy? I'm glad that I was staying in touch with you throughout via text messages and giving you a smidge of support. You are a hell of a fighter and an inspiration. I LOVE YOU. Thank you for your support with L.&L.S. and with Dad and me at this time.
That was, indeed, a death march. But you know, these tough races are what really show you're out there for the right reason, and you've got the toughness and heart to reach your goal. So many people that faced the same issues would have quit and caught the bus back, but you finished it!
Keep working hard E, and I'm sure you'll get to the big show. And of course all of us will be enjoying the story and your blog as you go. :)
And yes, Coke is awesome! When in doubt, go with the Coke. ;)
That was, indeed, a death march. But you know, these tough races are what really show you're out there for the right reason, and you've got the toughness and heart to reach your goal. So many people that faced the same issues would have quit and caught the bus back, but you finished it!
Keep working hard E, and I'm sure you'll get to the big show. And of course all of us will be enjoying the story and your blog as you go. :)
And yes, Coke is awesome! When in doubt, go with the Coke. ;)
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