Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You are probably ready for the Women's Nike Marathon if: know more about Phoenix canals than you ever wanted to.
...your toenails are black (or missing).
...last month you put more miles on your shoes than your car. have chafing in strange places.
...people say, "You run ten once?"
...people ask you about your upcoming race "Do you think you'll win?"
...annoying, but people also ask "How far is THAT marathon?" the end of your workout there is more salt on your face than on your potato chips combine phrases like "6 or 10 mile day" and "Light Workout" in the same breath. can eat your weight in spaghetti. can debate the advantages of deodorant vs. Bodyglide feel lost without your water-bottle. have withdrawal if you don't workout everyday. wake up every morning in pain.
...your memory of our first group workout (2 miles) makes you chuckle.
...Gatorade is your drug of choice.
...your Saturdays for the past 3-4 months are a fuzzy but happy memory. crave Power Bars. crave are always hungry. woke up last night terrified from an "I showed up at the race naked" dream will wake up tonight terrified from an "I got lost on the race course" dream
...your feet are comparable to rawhide. know that no matter what happens Sunday, it will be easier than one minute of cancer treatment for our honored teammates
..."Go Team" can bring a tear to your eyes.

18 days away to San Francisco and Nike!


~yo said...

More miles on your shoes than your car! FANTASTIC!

You're awesome! Keep Running!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations in making the fundraising minimum. That is a lot of hard work. At this time next week you will be dancing the aches and pains away. You lucky girl, I am jealous. Christie Cabrera